My journey with Katrina started by chance 10 years ago. We met for the first time at a footy game in one of the corporate boxes. I remember already sitting down and staring out to the footy field thinking to myself I wish I wasn’t here! Then this woman comes and sits next to me, she honestly had a glow of light around her and I thought to myself, who is she? Well, it was Katrina. She sat next to me and within 5 minutes turns to me and says “everything’s going to be ok”!
Half an hour into our chance meeting I’m sobbing to Kat in the bathrooms about my life and all the terrible things happening to me, or more so Kat was telling me what was happening in my life which were so true.
I was the victim of family jealously where cousins, Aunty and Uncle would send hate mail to my house accusing me of things I never said or did. Kat helped me through that terrible time of my life and I have not looked back. Kat helped me cleanse the hate and made me realise the issues were not mine to hold onto. We burnt all the letters together and let go of all the pain they put me through. If I see the family in question I have no anxiety or hate toward them for what they did to me and my family. Kat gave me the strength to believe in myself.
The memory most vivid in my mind to give you a glimpse of what this amazing woman can do and has done would be when she turned the lights on in my daughters bedrooms!
Well let me explain, I bought sticker angels which were supposed to glow in the dark and I put them in my daughters rooms, they both had their own rooms and these angels were stuck all over the walls and ceilings but in the night they never glowed.
The very first night Katrina came to my house – the night of our first meeting at the footy game, Kat “cleansed” my home.
Once Katrina and her family left, my husband and I walked up the stairs and thought we’d left the lights on in the girls bedrooms. Well we were both in shock and amazed, the glow in the dark Angels that never ever glowed were glowing so brightly in both bedrooms it was blinding.
From that night onwards, ten years on with many healings from Kat and I couldn’t be more grateful to have been blessed to have met Kat. I have recommended many of my family and friends who are going through tough times of illness or needing clarity in their lives to see Katrina.