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Ho Yan said

Katrina is far beyond an incomparable healer – she transcends the very definition of what encompasses a loving and giving soul, teacher and human being.

I have known Katrina for many years, and the spiritual healing has been unparalleled and extends to the priceless life lessons that no other person has ever taught me. There was a time when I bumped into her at the airport, there was a woman crying uncontrollably at the gate lounge. Katrina naturally sensed her pain and without hesitation sat next to her, asking about why she was crying and comforted with her energy and healing. I do not believe I have ever met more generous person that would have done that for a stranger.

I have never felt more alive and assure of myself because of her guidance. For those that are lost and need to find themselves, you will find your destination with Katrina.

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